Labels:daily | earth | fence | grandstand | reckoner | road | sea | sky OCR: Spirit. Being pesnsse interest Christ or in the gil iction, gave myself up to despair. this with the most rooted con heart like that of real fire and T felt a sense of burning in IT1 those eternal flames which would conc luded :+ SEA 811 esrlest down howling with horror while 500n recelve me.I laid mysel other. my knees smote sgainst eacl found me and the first words I In this condition my broth damned! spoke to him were "Oh, brot! be damned!" I had. indeed. eternity, and then think Whai ipon my mind. which seemed sense of eternity impressed pre hension almost to smoun to a full Co leart with the sigh iser My brother. pierced assured iotion despsir eterns s00n ivse sgaillst selse smost smount hrother